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Colette: The cult of international fashion boutiques and Mannequins in Paris


Consecrated by designer, creators, Melting Pot of fashion, luxury things box, international fashion trends are undoubtedly their own space in the boutique Colette.

As a woman with wide knowledge of fashion, Colette is inspired by the Japanese concept store and opened his boutique on 18 March 1997. At the forefront in its field, surprisingly, as an innovative painter that overturns any written rule and not, condemned by his contemporaries and yet able to create a real power at the expense of his detractors.

But the place itself was not perhaps quite enough on his success? It heralded in any way an event worthy of the name. When you know that the boutique is located in the old Studio of Louis Maréchal whereby worked the same Louis Vuitton. A sign? Maybe.

The building occupies an area of 700 m ² on three levels, filled with a multitude of items, clothes, accessories ... Walking into this place the spaces filled with mannequins resemble the fashion ateliers of once. True temple of fashion this magical place, where everything is mixed cleverly, and where is everything; from high-tech shoe, to suit the scent, from literature to culinary arts, passing through a whole world of trivial objects, gadgets of all kinds ... without forgetting the "musts" of Water-Bar, because here is a real luxury to taste the fresh and sparkling waters. One of the peculiarities of Colette is to have been able to transform simple everyday objects into items of luxury, I did perceive the useless useful up to get customers to buy, even the useless.

Known by everyone in Paris, It is a place "in" where to meet, for the curious fashion and not. The universe of Colette comes in many attractions; fashion & beauty-music-art-literature-kitchen-goodies, a space always effervescent. This "multitude" is the result of a diligent curiosity than the world of fashion and new trends that affect the heart.

This quick wit, thriving and this rampant pace of change is reflected perfectly in the weekly showcase, each time with new proposals, mannequins as artworks, put there as real exhibitions, with always an original choice of lines and marks.

Chez Colette exudes the look "Hype" of the owner of these places

The fame of Colette, in the luxury industry and worldwide, made of a universe in which artists, creators, evolving genes find gratitude, the sign of their qualities and their inventive spirit. This temple of Parisian fashion trend has not finished surprising us.


