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Our company produces busts and tinted mannequins.

We can produce mannequins and busts in all available colors.

We print directly in the color you like best.

Immediate availability for rental and sale mannequins.

We enclose those in production for AUCHAN.

Colored short busts, half leg colored busts, colourful busts with arms and head.


Coloured bust forms in various fabric colors with or without arms and head.


Realistic mannequin male Blue/Blue

mannequins-colored (1)

Realistic mannequin woman Red

mannequins-colored (2)

Realistic mannequin female Green

mannequins-colored (3)

Manichio stylized orange man

mannequins-colored (4)

Stylized dummy female Blue/Blue

mannequins-colored (5)

Stylized dummy man Red

mannequins-colored (6)

Stylized dummy female Green

mannequins-colored (7)

Stylized dummy female purple color

mannequins-colored (8)

All Dummies are available in various positions and colors.

Contact us: – Tel. +39 051 082 78 78

Color table

color folder


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Our company produces busts and illuminated mannequins.

Ability to have mannequins and busts with neutral white light.

Ability to have mannequins and busts with programmable RGB luminso.

We enclose those produced for GEOX.

LUMINOSI MANICHINS mannequins-bright (3) mannequins-bright (4)mannequins-bright (1)mannequins-bright (9) mannequins-bright (18) mannequins-bright (19) MANCHINI-LUMINOSI-OK

The Dummies are translucent and have a lighting system that can be programmed to do different coloured or white light.

Alternatively we can make classic mannequins rental 50,00 Euros + VAT


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Payment N. 001389

Date: 19 October 2018

Invoice: 225B

Amount: 750,00 Euro

Click on PayPal Button “Buy Now”

to procede with your order.

(Please enter your PayPal Account or Merchant ID on the settings pages.)

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Mannequins, What or who are?

Mannequins, history and typology

The mannequins I'm a total or partial representation of the human body used to wear and show clothing. The dummy was and is without a doubt the most popular presentation tool used by shop.

Our "silent salespeople" are used to express at first glance all the features of the store and its products. On the basis of their shape and their kind help to unleash the imagination of the client and to have the outfit in the best possible way.

At this page you will find more about them history, their use, the types, the materials and some useful tips on How to choose the one most suited to your store!

A bit of history

The word comes from the Dutch manneken Dummies, "little man". The first products date back to 1700, dolls were as high as fifty centimeters over which the seamstresses made of shortened versions of their leaders. These "dolls" were then shipped to Europe and America to allow the ladies to carefully choose fashionable clothes.

Over time the size increased until the current ones which comply with standard dimensions 1:1 of the human body. In this connection we recommend this interesting article from Collector's Weekly about how the mannequins are connected with the history of man.

Where and why to use mannequins

The dummy can be used in shop window (Perhaps the best known method of using), input areas (Shop hot spots), themed areas or as head of gondolas and middle Islands.

1. Can be used to highlight a particular ' collection by grouping them together in a specific point of the shop.

2. Affect your customer to let them buy the merchandise and matching accessories.

3. Featured used can convince potential customers to enter the store by increasing your sales.

Types and materials


Realistic Mannequins

This type of sales reflects as much as possible the human body and face shapes. Faces with make up, wigs and hands and feet with realistic finishes are their characteristics. Can, and in some cases must, be exchanged for actual people inside the store and are suitable to wear special sizes or related products (such. example gown with jewels, bag and shoes).

Semi Realistic Mannequins

Are similar to the above but without the detail of those realistic. They very often have the same shapes but typologies of "artistic" makeup and wigs to replace.

Abstract Mannequins

The abstract or semi abstract mannequins have proportionate body dimensions and faces no particular (e.g. egg heads) or just paintings and mentioned. Is a very broad category because in recent years acquired a remarkable artistic value, disrupting from the Windows of the most famous boutique mannequins realistic. Not having clearly defined and recognizable details their average life span in the store is much longer,

Headless mannequins

The headless mannequins have body proportions identical to the other types but their playback stops for a hint of the neck. Because of this they may lose some appeal but, Thanks to smaller dimensions, are definitely suitable for shop Windows or areas where the height can be a problem.

Modular Dummies

This type of dummy has jointed limbs or joints that allow you to put the dummy in different poses. They are normally made of wood or plastic and keeping the proportions of the human body.



The advantages of polypropylene they are highly resistant to shocks and lower cost. In contrast the aesthetics and the quality of the dummy suffers quite a bit. (to be considered most of these dummies have Asian backgrounds)


The fiberglass is a material more aesthetically valid, with a very good definition of detail but a remarkable fragility and we say that is certainly not eco friendly!


The polyurethane It has a good resistance and an excellent definition of details. Compared to glass fiber is more expensive and heavy and tends to lose color with exposure to light.


The polyethylene is perhaps the most eco friendly combined with good resistance to shocks and a great degree of finish of the dummy.

Great Rates 2016


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History of the Dummies



From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, the free encyclopedia.

The mannequin is an object that mimics a human being (some or all of them) with the correct proportions.

Historical notes

The derivation of the name is still uncertain. From Dutch Manneken meaning small man. Or French Manne, Cesta, with respect to woven wicker basket weavers were also with the Dummies. You have written for Dummies, in Europe, defined as large dolls, by the end of 1300. Mainly sent, complete with an entire wardrobe, the Court of Paris to other European courts. In Venice, in the eighteenth century, during the feast of the Ascension, large French dolls dressed in the latest fashions were exposed. Were called Piavole de Franza (France dolls). Dolls dressed to Europäische departed from Paris and London to meet the wealthiest families from overseas, so that the ladies could choose their clothes in the latest fashion. The second half of the nineteenth century, small dolls were used on which the great seamstresses made, in small proportions, copies of their creations.

Dressmaking mannequin

The Dummies 1893

The dressmaker dummy, need to try on clothes while you SEW. Its shape and size was determined from a mold on the person.


The dummy used in tailoring has only the middle part of the body, a torso: is IE without head, arms and legs, in their place to hold there is a floor lamp, usually a tripod. A papier-mâché shell, wood or plastic, coated fabric. There are depicting the female form, man and child: can be modified by adding or removing part of the padding to fit the shape of a specific body.


Each dummy plays a bounty and tailors may have more than one. Of course you can't build a small outfit on a mannequin of size large, to work around this issue of plus there is a pattern adjustable composed of a shell divided into four parts with an internal mechanism that makes them closer or farther apart, via a screw selector, so you can choose the right size. For those women a device also lets you adjust the protrusion and breast size.

Featured mannequin

Serves to expose garments, that mimics the human figure spaces. There are basically two types: What realistic, product with features, colours and details mimicking people and stylized ones, where the colors and facial features do not respect reality. Built with removable parts, in order to be dressed, and flip cards, to be able to take different positions. The mannequin from display case, as we know it today, find a spread in the second half of the nineteenth century, in Paris, with the rise of department stores.

Fine arts mannequin

Articulated manikin

Also called articulated mannequin is a scale model of the human body made of wood joints that allow the placement in particular poses but perfectly compatible with human physiology. It is used by artists, mostly painters and sculptors, to make reproductions of human figures where the position of the body and limbs are natural. The articulated mannequin is made of wood and it seams that reproduce, form and motion possibilities, the human ones. This way you can play different positions all natural and real human.


Great Rates 2016


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Colette: The cult of international fashion boutiques and Mannequins in Paris


Consecrated by designer, creators, Melting Pot of fashion, luxury things box, international fashion trends are undoubtedly their own space in the boutique Colette.

As a woman with wide knowledge of fashion, Colette is inspired by the Japanese concept store and opened his boutique on 18 March 1997. At the forefront in its field, surprisingly, as an innovative painter that overturns any written rule and not, condemned by his contemporaries and yet able to create a real power at the expense of his detractors.

But the place itself was not perhaps quite enough on his success? It heralded in any way an event worthy of the name. When you know that the boutique is located in the old Studio of Louis Maréchal whereby worked the same Louis Vuitton. A sign? Maybe.

The building occupies an area of 700 m ² on three levels, filled with a multitude of items, clothes, accessories ... Walking into this place the spaces filled with mannequins resemble the fashion ateliers of once. True temple of fashion this magical place, where everything is mixed cleverly, and where is everything; from high-tech shoe, to suit the scent, from literature to culinary arts, passing through a whole world of trivial objects, gadgets of all kinds ... without forgetting the "musts" of Water-Bar, because here is a real luxury to taste the fresh and sparkling waters. One of the peculiarities of Colette is to have been able to transform simple everyday objects into items of luxury, I did perceive the useless useful up to get customers to buy, even the useless.

Known by everyone in Paris, It is a place "in" where to meet, for the curious fashion and not. The universe of Colette comes in many attractions; fashion & beauty-music-art-literature-kitchen-goodies, a space always effervescent. This "multitude" is the result of a diligent curiosity than the world of fashion and new trends that affect the heart.

This quick wit, thriving and this rampant pace of change is reflected perfectly in the weekly showcase, each time with new proposals, mannequins as artworks, put there as real exhibitions, with always an original choice of lines and marks.

Chez Colette exudes the look "Hype" of the owner of these places

The fame of Colette, in the luxury industry and worldwide, made of a universe in which artists, creators, evolving genes find gratitude, the sign of their qualities and their inventive spirit. This temple of Parisian fashion trend has not finished surprising us.


