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Dummies on television

The Dummies are becoming a symbol and an icon of modern times.

Follow fashion and divendono always leaner and impersonal with the crisis.

Retrieve color and realism when a country is growing.

Our company has created a realistic line called LesPinUps with which we were also reported on TV by the mass media.

We are always looking for new stylistic and conceptual challenges.

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Mannequins and television in Italy

1) No one will never forget the famous Alberto Sordi in the movie “IO e Caterina” where a robot dummy becomes wife “all do” jealous.


2) Other famous movie is “Department Stores” where l & #8217; unequaled Paolo Villaggio interprets a mannequin robot toy.


Mannequins and television in the world

The Dummies are people too. Or at least people people shaped. And sometimes come to life on the big screen and crawl out the real humans.

1) L & #8217; episode of 1960 by “The Twilight Zone” titled “The After Hours” (rebuilt in 1986) reveals what we've always thought that happen in department stores: mannequins come to life when we are not watching! In this movie, take turns living in the real world as real people, but they must return to their storefronts when their time is up.



2) Nell & #8217; episode “Doctor Who” of 1970, “Spearhead from Space”, the mannequins from the killer & #8217; look bland called “Autons” come alive and try to conquer the Earth by shooting death rays from their hands, plastic. “Doctor Who” l & #8217; hero, He manages to stop them, Obviously.


3) Here we are again with the Dummies killers, This time in an episode of 1975 by “Kolchak: The Night Stalker” called “The Trevi Collection.”


4) Occasionally not the real killers, murderers of men. In the movie 1987 titled appropriately “Mannequin”, a young creator of dummies creates a model so perfect that falls in love with her and she, surprise!, comes to life. With Kim Cattrall.

